Monday, July 2, 2012

The Interesting History of Bengal Cats

The Interesting History of Bengal Cats
Bengal cats start at first generation from the Asian Leopard Cat. The first generation is referred to as an F1 Bengal cat, the second generation away from a Asian leopard cat is an F2 Bengal cat, and the third generation away from an Asian leopard cat is an F3 Bengal cat. Male Bengal cats born in the first four generations are sterile because they are a hybrid cat. Early generation Cats are not for the average household due to the nature of the Asian leopard cat. Bengal cats are a hybrid cat that is a cross between the Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat. Domestic cats that have been used to make Bengal cats are Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese or Egyptian Mau. Where does the name "Bengal cat" come from? "Bengal cat" is derived from the Latin name of the Asian Leopard Cat which is Feline Bengal catensis. Bengals cat are coveted by the exotic wild spotted pattern from the Asian Leopard Cat. Asian leopard cats are found in central Asia. Bengal Cats History

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