Monday, July 30, 2012

Train a Cat to Listen

Train a Cat to Listen

Make sure pet insurance

I cats are animals cleaned by nature. Teach them to use the litter box encourages this good behavior. They will continue to use this litter, if it is dirty. Here are some tips on how to use your cat's litter box all the time.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Train your Cat for Vacations

Train your Cat for Vacations

Be sure to check out how to train your puppy Ragdoll litter

I cats are animals cleaned by nature. Teach them to use the litter box encourages this good behavior. They will continue to use this litter, if it is dirty. Here are some tips on how to use your cat's litter box all the time.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Training your Cat with Constructive Training

Training your Cat with Constructive Training

Make sure your Ragdoll kitten fpr sale

If you're looking for, in addition to the new cat to your home, it's hard to imagine that there are something like fleas. Unfortunately it is not unheard of that a very small kittens have fleas, everything depends greatly on where he lived, before you put it, to live with you. For example, if the mother cat had fleas, then there is a big possibility that all the kittens have fleas.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bengal Tigers - The Royal Animal

Bengal Tigers - The Royal Animal
There are about 3,000 to 5,000 Tigers living in the wilds at present, and most of the Royal Bengal Tigers population living in India. It lives in secluded and calm forests far from people. They are frequently found in swamps, savannahs, lush grasslands and rocky areas.

The Bengal Tigers and Panthers, as the Tigers and is known in the woods and meadows of Bhutan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal and India. The Bengal tiger is the national symbol of India, said as early as 2500 BC

The Indian government is very concerned about the protection of tigers in their natural habitat. Project Tiger is a system initiated by the Indian government, in particular in order to protect these animals and their natural habitats from various national parks under this scheme.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Where to find the Bengal Tiger in India

Where to find the Bengal Tiger in India
The Bengal tiger,  also known as Panthera tigris, is a type of tiger that is found in the grasslands and forests of Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal and India. The Bengal tiger is the national emblem of India,  declared back in 2500 B.C.

There are 3000-5000 Bengal tigers live in the desert, and most of the Bengal tiger lives in India. Bengal tigers live in remote forests and secluded peaceful people. They are usually found in grasslands, marshes, rocky and grassy lawns.

In India, there are some places where we can find Bengal Tiger. The State protects the endangered tiger as a national policy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tiger
Solitary cats, Bengal Tigers are territorial animals. They hunt at dusk and dawn and regularly mark their territory by scent to keep out other tigers from their hunting and breeding grounds. In some national parks where they are protected, tigers have been recorded to be active in daytime as well. Generally tigers prefer to stay in shade during daylight hours, particularly in the scorching summers of South Asia. Territories are smaller than those of Siberian Tigers owing to shrinking habitat of the tigers in India. Males roam over an area of twenty square miles and females hunt in a slightly smaller range of seventeen square miles. Often the territory of a single male overlaps those of several females, with whom he frequently mates. Tigers usually have more than one den in their range for them to choose as their haunt for a particular period of time.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Games for Your Cat

Games for Your Cat
Owners often don't realise how much entertainment some cats need, especially when young. Bengals, particularly, can become overly demanding and even aggressive if not given enough to do. Bengals like to practise their hunting skills so anything involving furry or feathery toys is much enjoyed.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

About The Pixie Bob Cat Breeds

About The Pixie Bob Cat Breeds
Choosing between cat breeds can be like trying to decide which snowflake is prettier. Each new kitten is cuter than the next. There are so many varieties to choose from, each with its own distinct look and personality. Do you want a cat breed that is sleek, like an Abyssinian or Siamese?

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Serengeti Cat Breed

The Serengeti Cat Breed
The Serengeti cat breed is a very unique looking cat with its wildcat-like appearance. They were created during the early 1990s in California by crossing a Bengal cat with an Oriental Shorthair cat and are now recognized by the International Cat Association. The Serengeti breed was created to look similar to the African Serval, but without using any wildcat blood. These cats are defined by their appearance with a spotted coat, long legs, and large ears. Their coat colors are yellow to gold with a distinctive pattern of widely-spaced black spots. Males can weigh up to 15 pounds and female Serengeti cats weigh between 8 to 12 pounds.

Serengeti cats are very intelligent, playful and loyal. This cat is short, silky coat requires little care, and they do a great family pet. These cats are friendly and get along with other pets if properly introduced. They are active and love to climb and chase toys. The cats of the Serengeti, as the house is in full swing. They love to climb high altitudes, such as furniture or trees squat.

Throughout his life, a pet or two may face a serious crisis in health care and the race is not immune to the Serengeti. Because they are at risk of accidents and health problems, you should consider a regular system of health for this cat. The Serengeti cat would benefit from regular veterinary examinations and care, welfare, such as vaccines, flea preventative and dental cleanings.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Savannah Cat - Urinary Tract Infection

Savannah Cat - Urinary Tract Infection
 It is important to get a diagnosis in the early stages of an UTI to result in successful treatment and identify additional health risks caused by the urinary tract infection. Very common causes of a urinary tract infection can be getting a cat fixed or dirty cat litter (What seems clean to the naked eye is not always clean.Bladder infections in felines or urinary tract infections are a common problem in cats that can reoccur after a successful treatment. Some savannah cat are prone to get an infection several times in a row.

Frequent urinary tract infections were seen in male cats and female cats spayed female and male or intact female cats and male. Cats tend to hide signs of pain and discomfort, a urinary tract infection may go unnoticed. A cat UTI, constipation, urinary tract, leading to permanent damage or death. Getting a correct diagnosis of a feline bladder infection is essential. If left untreated this infection can lead to permanent damage to the kidneys and urinary tract damage or death. If you observe or suspect that a cat can not urinate, try immediate veterinary care. Make an appointment with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis. • urinary tract infection causes diet - reduce Select Cat Food with low levels of magnesium to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. • Environment - to ensure the litter box is clean, fresh water available and a clean living environment will reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in cats. The definition of a cat may also be a urinary tract infection.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Savannah Cats Known For Wonderful Features

Savannah Cats Known For Wonderful Features
Savannah cats are most well know for there wonderful characteristics such as walking on a leash, easy to train, family friendly, dog like personality, play fetch like a dog and like water! Known worldwide for being one of the Largest domestic cat breeds. savannah cat now hold the record for the worlds tallest domestic cat! Savannah cat kittens resemble a Cheetah or leopard but are actually produced through selective breeding with the African Serval cat. 1. Ownership – Don't be surprised to find a savannah cat curled up under the covers with you! Although savannah cats look exotic the love and thrive off human companions. The most appealing aspect to savannah cats for us was that they can live in an apartment unlike most larger dog breeds. Savannah cats are known worldwide because of the loyalty  to humans. Savannah cats will love you till the end of time, and guess what? They are energetic cats that don't sleep all day long like some cat breeds. savannah cats can live up to 20 long healthy years in age! Our savannah cats love our large dogs. We have large dogs that all savannah cat kittens are raised around from day one. As far as the savannah cat kittens know the dog are just cats with out spots!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Savannah Cat - What Generation Is Right For You

Savannah Cat - What Generation Is Right For You
Are you wondering what generation of Savannah cat is right for you?

F1 Savannah cats

F1 Savannah are in the order of 12 to 26 pounds. Savannahs F1 can be any where from 50% to 82% or more of the wild blood. The higher the percentage, the greater the likelihood of wild vacation. You need a litter box as big as a bathtub. Less maintained. Just like a Serval, they chose a person with the bond markets. I agree with other animals, but they kept disike. To play, take, give headbutts and walk on a leash with training. F2 F2 savannah Savannah cats range from 16 to 25 pounds. F2 Savannah cats blend well with other animals. Bond closely with their owners. They love their pets. Most of F2S a breeding program suitable have about the same size as a F1. F2 Savannahs have less tendency to feral. To play, take, give headbutts and walk on a leash with training. F3 Savannah cats

Monday, July 16, 2012

Legendary and influential particulars about West Bengal

Legendary and influential particulars about West Bengal
. They are territorial and do not like any particular person or animal invading your place of residence. For this reason, many people get killed every year for at least a hand Bengal tiger. Most people who die are either fishermen or the local villagers. In several cases, tourists have also found that the Bengal tiger prey.

Bengali is the kind of place that is famous for the Bengal cat, a Royal Bengal tiger. Therefore, cats are quite famous in Bengali, and are readily available in almost all places of Bengal. Bengal in the markets that offer the lowest prices cats and kittens. In Bengali with a lot of cat lovers, and in most of the Bengali people often try to find the best deal and the purchase price of a kitten. Keeping a cat as a pet is a good idea of ​​what you need to find the best solution for Bengal kittens for sale. Hatibagan, etc. are located in places such as Calcutta, is one of the puppies at extremely low prices. They are the best breeds and kittens can also be imported as well.

Speaking Bengal cat looks like a giant ogre who lives in the forest of Sundarban, also known as Royal Bengal tigers. The Bengal cat is probably one of the most popular animals in India and is also regarded as the national animal of India. Not only is the Royal Bengal tiger in India is a famous, but it is also the most celebrated in several countries outside India. This is the national animal of at least 8 countries, excluding India. Sun Bengali pride in having one of the largest reserves in the Sundarban region of the Bengal cat.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds
Some of the different cat breeds are given below:Asian Cat:
There are five varieties of Asian cats: Asian Shaded (Burmilla), Asian Smoke, Asian Tabby, Asian Self, and Tiffanie, and are identical to European Burmese. This breed was developed in the UK in the 1960s. They are the product of accidental mating of Burmese and non-pedigree cats and also an accidental mating between a Chinchilla Persian and a lilac Burmese which developed varieties like Burmilla, Tabbies, Smoke and Tiffanie. These varieties are now classified as Asian cats.Bengal Cat:Bengal cat is a result of crossing a domestic cat with a wild cat to get the wild cat markings on a domestic cat. The first generation of these Bengal cats are always on demand as they have a distinct patter of a leopard on them. Their body is long and muscular. They have large and horizontally aligned spots and sport background colours ranging from golden, orange to ivory. The first deliberate cross took place in 1963. These cats usually have good temperament but sometimes they may not and it is definitely difficult to take care of them if they are not patient.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Health Problems Of The Bengal Cat

Health Problems Of The Bengal Cat
Asian countries have the endangered species the Asian leopards, which recently was taken off the list and now strives in the wilderness. The Bengal cat derives from breeding with the Asian leopards and has since entered the domestic cat breeds list. The Bengal cat although not a tiger, loves to play and lounge around on and in the water.

You can also find more information about the dog and cat wiskers Health Councils.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The History of Bengal Cat

The History of Bengal Cat
The savannah cat's history starts during the early 1980's when Judy Frank bred an African Serval to a domestic shorthair cat. The mating by Judy Frank produced one female savannah cat, this female savannah cat was afterwards named Savannah, she continued to produce other female savannah cat kittens to ascertain the Savannah cat breed.

Other breeders, to be immediately after the cat Savannah, were impressed with the unique look and exotic, friendly and outgoing temperament tempermant Savannah breed of cat and went to start their breeding programs. These breeding programs, see what the basis for each generation of Savannah Cat is still alive. I did not expect a diffuclut very soon and many like the race what it is today.

Throughout history, in 1996, Savannah cat breeders presented a request for reopening of Savannah with The International Cat Association (TICA) TICA registered, but the council had placed a moratorium on accepting any new races. It was not until 2000 that the Savannah was accepted for registration.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bengal Cat

The Bengal Cat

The breed is now popular registered breed, but is not yet fully recognized by some modern cat fancies. This is a somewhat 'ironic considering all modern Cat Fancies their existence to the original series can be done in 1871, a show that welcomed hybrids follow.

It is a common misconception that Bengals are large cats, but typically fall in the size range of a conventional domestic feline. The females are usually 7-10 pound range and men 9-12 pounds. It is not uncommon for a man who has reached 15-18 pounds. They are big boned, muscular cats with the male in particular, extremely muscular. The altered males often continue to put on muscle mass up to two years.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why To Use Bengal Cat Breeders Instead Of Going Private?

Why To Use Bengal Cat Breeders Instead Of Going Private?
Anyone looking for an exotic cat can really do nothing wrong looking up one of many reputable Bengal cat breeders. This breed is known for being affectionate, exciting and extremely well behaved. Back in the mid-1960's the first Bengal was bred, in an effort to preserve the beauty of the terribly endangered Asian Leopard Cat, while giving it domesticated qualities to make for wonderful-looking pets. The domesticated varieties that are cross-bred with the Bengal are: Abyssinians, Burmese, Egyptian Maus,  American Shorthairs and sometimes Siamese. The reason you need to use reputable Bengal cat breeders is due to the fact that they're a new breed and also relatively expensive when compared to multiple-breed felines. The first three generations (F1, F2, F3) of any cross bred feline can result in an animal that may not yet be suitable for domestic life and are still considered "wild" by The International Cat Association (TICA). Also, the males of this generation are either born sterile, or quickly become sterile, meaning your cat might not be suitable for breeding (which is effortless for the cat, yet can be quite lucrative for you).Good Bengal cat breeders will be able to show the registration for the cat and it's parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc -- to make sure your cat is indeed a Bengal and not still considered wild.People that want to research, or shop around are best to look at online forums, or websites geared toward Bengal cat breeders and owners, to find out who has a great reputation for producing show-quality, purebred Bengals. Expect to pay a decent amount ($500-2000) and don't try to go cheap on this purchase, unless you find a trusted source. With purebred animals of all kinds: You get what you pay for and breeders selling quality know what the going rate is.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Longhaired Bengal Cats Available at F1hybrids

Longhaired Bengal Cats Available at F1hybrids
Long haired Bengal cats come in all colors and patterns. Longhair is nonstandard plus it is a recessive gene. Here at F1hybrids cattery our Bengal cat Tum carries for long hair. We found this out after breeding a F3 female that was three generations removed from a Maine coon female. Long hair is Non standard which means that the trait is not accepted according to the TICA Bengal breed standard. Long hair cats can not be accepted for championship status with TICA. Longhair may not be a recognized colors but a Bengal that is long haired is a purebred Bengal. Long hair is also referred to as a Cashmere Bengal cat. It's nothing but a term used to make longhair sound more desirable. Cashmere or long hair Bengal kittens have been produced from short haired parents since the beginning of the Bengal cat breed.

Often, the Asian leopard cat pee in the water. Asian leopard cat has a small head with rounded ears, a white patch on the back of them as "eye spots". The most distinctive sign of an Asian Leopard Cat is her big amber eyes at night, with two black stripes from the corners of the eyes. Most Asian leopard cats have 4 striped bands that run from forehead to neck, behind the tail ring with black tips. Asian leopard cats have black spots on the belly is white with pink spots on the skin, the dark brown, gold, light gray to red-orange background, with flecks of chocolate can usually be brown to black.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bengal Cat for Sale for Your Company & Entertainment

Bengal Cat for Sale for Your Company & Entertainment
Some animals are considered to be God's lovely creations. The moment you see those animals, your heart gets filled with love, kindness, benevolence etc. Among such cute animals, the cat happens to be the one that has fascinated a number of people, mostly children. Haven't you observed how charming they are? Truly speaking, you will have a nice company when you feel lonely. You can even have some sort of entertainment through these beautiful Bengal cats. These Bengal cats also love company and they are dearly fond of their owners. You will be glad to have found a personal friend for yourself. Even though the cat of your choice may not talk to you but it can understand the language of love and respond accordingly.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Savannahs and Bengal Cat From Furever Exotics

Savannahs and Bengal Cat From Furever Exotics
Furever Exotics is a Cincinnati, Ohio based small in-home breeder of Savannahs and Bengal cats. We take pride in the care and social excellence of our kittens and stay true to the cats' ancestral heritage. The beautiful Asian Leopard Cat is the ancestor of the playful and dog-like bengal cats, while the Savannah breed hails from the gorgeous African Serval. Unlike their ancestors, the hybrids are domestic pets and do not exhibit the undesirable wild-like instincts. Instead, they are fun-loving, high-energy companions for those who enjoy the companionship of a canine with the grace and cleanliness of a feline. Below is the amazing Cats 101 Bengal cat video! The Cats 101 Tv program is seen on the animal planet channel. And like always Animal planet has out done them selves with this awasome video! The wild look of the Bengal cat comes from its ancestors, the Asian leopard cat and the domestic shorthair. It's breeding can account for its intelligence and wild nature, too. Here you will find our most recent cat show news. Also see previous show news by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. We showed Lincoln our brown spotted (Rosetted) stud back in February.

See our King. We are also pleased to announce that we added to our program Starkittie Tucana a beautiful Seal Lynx spotted (rosettes) boys. He received the title of Champion in South Bend Indiana show in April 2010. He was also the number of 2 spotted snow Bengal in the Great Lakes in 2010. Tuca Way to go! I want to say thank you to Tami from Bengals Starkittie for all their help and encouragement. She was wonderful helping me to learn and to strengthen the Bengal breed by proper knowledge. I could not do it wihtout you must. I talked to other breeders and judges what they can learn about the Bengal cat, so I can continue to improve the breed. Knowing what is good and what is undesirable quality is the key. Many thanks to all those who were so patient and have answered all my questions. Lincoln our brown spotted (rosettes) Bengal 5-2 Cal has received Best of Breed and 3 - 3 Best of breeds at his last show.

Thanks, Bonnie Clark in Castle Bengal cats for him and thanks for all the knowledge you shared with me. Some Cat Lincoln show now and is doing well. Our cats are great, friendly and lovable.We are so happy to have them. Stay tuned for more information and pictures show soon. A special thanks to my teacher and friend, that you asked me a beautiful site of Michelle. Thank you for being always there to answer my questions. And to my wonderful cat F2 Savannah.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bengal Cat Personality

Bengal Cat Personality
Bengal cats have a very nice personality. They are very devoted to the owner and are in strike contrast to your ordinary aloof cats. Bengal cats always want to be in the center of attention. They are where the action is. However this particular personality trait puts a toll on their owners. You need to give back to them this devotion and love. In this respect the personality of Bengal cats is very similar to dogs. They possess the same loyalty, love and devotion to their owners as dogs do. I can even go as far as to claim that Bengals are a dog lover's cat. Why? Because rarely do you find a cat breed that follows you around, likes playing, is not aloof and can even be trained to do tricks. Yes, Bengals can be trained to do tricks for an example just type "Amazing Cat Tricks by Kaiser the Bengal" in your search and watch a video of some impressive tricks performed by this cat.

Although these cats are loving and affectionate, I would like to emphasize that the Bengals are not lap cats. Bengal cat is the only personality too strong and are not usually like to restrict. If you have children teach them to respect the freedom of your Bengal and not to restrict the cat. They love to play and your family have. They will also treat children well, if managed properly.

Another unusual feature of personality that have Bengal cats is their affinity for water. Bengals are hydrophilic or water-loving. Although this personality trait does not necessarily apply to all Bengals, is still widespread enough to be used as a general characteristic of this breed. What does this mean for ordinary people? This means that you must be careful when you take a shower or a bath, because suddenly you can merge your cat. They are characterized by running water diverted and are usually investigate the source of it. They love to play with running water and can make a pie pan. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to purchase fountain, to avoid trouble with his water bowl. However, cat owners, this is rarely a problem or dispute. In fact, it is often very funny and fun for your cat's paw to try a kitchen or bathroom, looking to take his shower.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bengal Cat Price

Bengal Cat Price
This is a difficult question to answer. The price of a Bengal cat depends on at least 2 things:

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2) A type of cat that is always

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Interesting History of Bengal Cats

The Interesting History of Bengal Cats
Bengal cats start at first generation from the Asian Leopard Cat. The first generation is referred to as an F1 Bengal cat, the second generation away from a Asian leopard cat is an F2 Bengal cat, and the third generation away from an Asian leopard cat is an F3 Bengal cat. Male Bengal cats born in the first four generations are sterile because they are a hybrid cat. Early generation Cats are not for the average household due to the nature of the Asian leopard cat. Bengal cats are a hybrid cat that is a cross between the Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat. Domestic cats that have been used to make Bengal cats are Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese or Egyptian Mau. Where does the name "Bengal cat" come from? "Bengal cat" is derived from the Latin name of the Asian Leopard Cat which is Feline Bengal catensis. Bengals cat are coveted by the exotic wild spotted pattern from the Asian Leopard Cat. Asian leopard cats are found in central Asia. Bengal Cats History

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Bengal Cat FAQsIVE GOT YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD I HAVE BENGAL CAT?Answer: Yes, Bengal cats are excellent family pets, and they love to play and have fun with the children. Bengal cast are very tolerant of small children, our sixteen month old little boy loves playing and teasing our cats and the cats love teasing our little boy. However, please remember that children must be taught to treat animals correctly – this applies to all animals, and it is of course the parents’ responsibility to teach them.IS THE BENGAL CAT A WILD CAT?Answer: NO, although it has a beautiful wild looking appearance, the Bengal behaves like other cats in most respects. Many Years of breeding have given the exotic look without the wild nature. You get the look of the jungle without the fear of the jungle. The Bengal is affectionate and fun loving also intelligent and can be taught to do various tricks; they are used in a lot of television commercials due to their look and nature